Hydropian EPS P100 – sqm – m²

£8.98£31.08 inc VAT

Manufacturer Arbet

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Product description
Hydrofoam is a modern product that combines three features that are extremely important for insulation materials – very low water absorption, excellent thermal insulation parameters and high resistance to loads. It is made of a special raw material in the form of a hydrophobic polystyrene material. Due to the use of highly advanced production technology, Hydropoam is characterized by a particularly high cohesiveness (over 95%). It guarantees very low water absorption even with long-term (monthly) immersion.

Application of Hydrofoam
In single-family and multi-family housing, collective housing, public and industrial buildings, in newly built or modernized facilities. Due to its properties, Hydrofoam should be used in places particularly exposed to strong, long-lasting moisture and subjected to high mechanical stress, such as:

walls of basements, foundations and foundations;
floors, ground floors and terraces, especially under load;
“Green terraces” and “hanging gardens”;
flat and inverted roofs, the so-called Inverted roofs;
roof parking lots, garages;
in road and bridge construction as a filling of embankments;
in engineering structures.